Tagged as: The Great Outdoors

Shadow of Everest Expedition


I always love meeting people with big plans, big dreams, big goals, etc. Whether it’s… “Hey, I’m leaving my job and starting my own company/church/ministry,” or “Hey, she said ‘yes’ and we’re getting married next month,” or “Hey, I’m taking a team to the highest mountain in the world!”…

Mornings in Colorado


Since moving to Colorado, one of the things I’m really enjoying is getting to explore the trails by mountain bike. This morning I arrived at the trailhead just before 6am. The air was still and the temperature around 57° F. Perfect, really.

Getting into the outdoors always refreshes me. It gets my eyes focussed on objects further away than my iPhone or Macs. And I find I usually have a spark of creativity that is once again ready to be unleashed…
